HD Shakira - Don't bother (official instrumental karaoke with lyrics on screen)
Videos de Don't Bother

- HD Shakira - Don't bother (official instrumental karaoke with lyrics on screen)
Subido a YouTube el 20.02.2014
por sing foryou
- 4:27
- N/A (0)

- Shakira - Don't Bother (Live at Ellen 12.06.05)
Subido a YouTube el 03.03.2013
por ??????? ??????
- 3:49
- N/A (0)

- Shakira : Don`t Bother
Subido a YouTube el 07.12.2012
por NMusic toyour ears
- 4:15
- N/A (0)

- Shakira - Don't Bother (Live)
Subido a YouTube el 03.10.2009
por YouTubeshakiraVEVO
- 4:44
- N/A (0)
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